Friday, July 29, 2011


5 minutes of writing about the word "still." When I read that, all I could think was that I don't know HOW to be still! With all of the kids activities, homework, work, housework, grocery shopping, fixing meals, etc., I rarely have time to be still. And when I do find a minute, my poor brain goes into overload worrying about what I might have forgotten to do, or what wasn't done to my standards, or what MIGHT happen in the future. But He tells us "Be still and know that I am God." I know my constant running and definitely my constant worrying and anxiety isn't making Him happy. My bible study group is just getting ready to start "Experiencing God" and it was suggested that we each have a personal goal which we could hold each other accountable to. That will be my goal- finding time each day, to be still, to sit with my Father and feel His peace and love. Time for Him to whisper in my ear that He has my future in His hands and that all I need to do is give Him my best... Just putting that in writing has given me a sense of peace.


  1. That's a great goal to have. From what I have heard, Experiencing God will help you get there. Nice post!

  2. Yes, putting it into writing does help doesn't it Erin! Nice to meet you!
