Friday, August 5, 2011

Whole- Five Minute Friday

Again, I'm joining Lisa-Jo at Gypsy Mama for 5 Minute Friday.  I'm not great at this blog thing yet, but I love to write- my prayer journal is proof of that- and this exercise helps me get over some of my hurdles.  So here, I go- 5 minutes of writing about the word "whole" with no editing, criticizing or worrying....

I think I've spent most of my adult life trying to make myself whole- like most people, I'm sure.  I looked for wholeness in friends, romantic relationships, my biological dad, my job, my hobbies, my kids and on and on and on....  Only recently have I realized that I can't make myself whole- only God can make me whole.  In Him, I have found peace that has never existed in my life before.  In Him, I have been able to build a family that makes my heart burst with joyfulness- at least most days.  ;)  In Him, I have come to terms with my relationship with my biological dad and been able to forgive him for hurts that he may not have even realized he inflicted.  In Him, I have found friends who love me for who I am, not for what I can do for them.

I am not perfect, but with Him in my corner, I have all that I need. My wholeness may not be complete until I reach my heavenly home, but with Him in my heart here on earth, I am on my way. I am wholly His and will celebrate that all of my days.

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